IP Addresses of Search Engine Spiders

Are you interested in tracking the IP addresses of search engine spiders? You can see my latest lists of search engine IP addresses and User-Agents here:

Google IP List
List of the IP addresses of the various Googlebots and Mediabots.
Last revised Sunday, 26-Jan-2014 10:59:21 EST Size: 4.3K

Yahoo IP List
List of the IP addresses of Yahoo/Inktomi bots.
Last revised Sunday, 26-Jan-2014 10:59:22 EST Size: 11K

Lycos IP List
List of the IP addresses of Lycos bots.
Last revised Tuesday, 20-May-2008 13:57:37 EDT Size: 580

InfoSeek IP List
List of the IP addresses of InfoSeek bots.
Last revised Tuesday, 20-May-2008 13:57:38 EDT Size: 1.3K

Alta Vista IP List
List of the IP addresses of Alta Vista bots.
Last revised Tuesday, 20-May-2008 13:57:36 EDT Size: 1.9K

Excite IP List
List of the IP addresses of Excite bots.
Last revised Thursday, 22-May-2008 11:37:58 EDT Size: 291

Northern Light IP List
List of the IP addresses of Northern Light bots.
Last revised Tuesday, 20-May-2008 13:57:38 EDT Size: 211

Misc IP List
List of the IP addresses of various search engines' bots, including MSN/Bing.
Last revised Sunday, 26-Jan-2014 10:59:21 EST Size: 66K

Non Spiders
List of IP addresses and some User Agents of non-search engine spider bots, along with some other pertinent information.
Last revised Tuesday, 20-May-2008 13:57:38 EDT Size: 6.5K

Here is a record of updates to the IP lists.

A reorganized list is available here.


Tracing search engine IP addresses is handy for a number of reasons. You might want to see when your web site was spidered by search engines. You might want to know which pages where spidered. You might want to ban some bots and let others in. You might want to see which bots are obeying your robots.txt files. You might want to redirect bots to other pages or serve them different content (cloaking).

Keeping track of the various IP addresses belonging to search engine spiders is a difficult enterprise and requires the assistance of a large number of people. I'm constantly receiving reports of new spiders and doing the research necessary to verify that they are indeed new and that they do indeed belong to search engines. The lists are as up to date as possible, but there is no guarantee that they include all of the IP addresses of all search engines (it would be impossible to guarantee such a thing). Also, there is no guarantee that all of the IP addresses contained in the lists belong to search engines (they are sometimes reassigned or abandoned).

I do accept submissions of suspected bot activity. If you see some bot activity on your web site and want to submit it, please do the following:

  1. Record the line from your server's access log.
  2. Email me with the line from your server's access log.
  3. Please don't send email if it isn't about a new bot or directly related to this site. I can't track down the owners of IP addresses or figure out where spam is coming from... but I have written a good tutorial on how to track down spammers.

The IP addresses are contained in a flatfile database format, which is protected under intellectual property law and treaties, however the IP addresses themselves are public domain and not protected. What this means to you is that you can't copy this website, but feel free to download the lists of IP addresses and use them however you like.

If you are writing an application to download the IP addresses automatically, please ask me for permission first. Bots using unreasonable amounts of bandwidth will be banned at my discretion and without warning.

If you use shared hosting and don't like sharing your IP address with other websites located on the server, you can get a unique IP by moving your site to a dedicated server. A number of shared hosting providers do provide a dedicated IP address in their hosting packages. You can find more information about these hosting packages at hostgatorcouponsite.com and bluehostcouponssite.com.


This website is (C) Copyright 2011 by Daniel Kramer. The IP lists themselves are public domain and not subject to copyright protection.

Disclaimer: This information on this website is provided as-is, with no warranties whatsoever, including fitness for a particular use, completeness, correctness, or currentness. Use at your own risk. By downloading the information, you agree to indemnify Daniel Kramer from any liability arising therefrom, including attorneys fees and court costs.